Tis the busy season for us as we start pulling our honey frames from the hives and treating our colonies for the growing mite population. Usually a time for sharing and working with others but the pandemic has kept many of us at a safe distance this year. The good news is, the bees are COVID free so get up close and personal with them while you work your hives. Watch their cooling positions and don’t pass up the opportunity to watch a new bee emerge from a cell. I’m anxious to pull my honey frames and spin on a really hot day in my “Honey House” for this year’s batch. Unfortunately, there is no HOCO County Fair for selling honey so I guess everybody gets honey for their holiday presents! I did however try my hand at collecting pollen. The picture you see is collections from 4 days in early June.

Stay safe, stay cool and nobody has to tell a beekeeper to wash their hands (since they are ALWAYS getting sticky). Looking forward to “seeing” you on the Monthly Club Meeting WebEx sessions until we can get back together again in person. In the meantime, keep the buzz about bees going, check out our website and facebook posting and please send in those pictures of your colonies!
Dave Dobbs
HCBA President
Here is a picture of my Apiary on this July afternoon.